Sociedad Jose Marti

viernes, diciembre 30, 2005

Have you asked yourself why Castros's tyranny still exists?

Sociedad Jose Marti: diciembre 2005

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- In a letter to U.S. energy company 
executives, Fidel Rivero Prieto, President of Cuba Petroleo, told his counterparts
from the U.S. energy sector that Cuba " ... would be very pleased to do
business together ... " and invited them to meet with him and his Cuban
colleagues at the U.S.-Cuba Energy Summit scheduled for February 2-4, 2006, in Mexico

Citing the need for " ... investments by additional foreign companies,"
Rivero wrote that the meeting in Mexico " ... will permit us to provide the
information that is most useful to your company ... and we will have the
opportunity to learn about your products and services. In this way," Rivero wrote,
"both of us will be prepared to discuss real business opportunities as soon as
that is possible."

This historic U.S.-Cuba Energy Summit is being organized by Alamar
Associates (_http://www.alamarcuba.com_ ( ) which has
organized five previous Cancun Business Summits which have brought more than 500
U.S. executives together with their Cuban counterparts.

The Energy Summit is being sponsored by the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association
(_http://www.uscuba.org_ ( ) along with Caterpillar, Port
of Corpus Christi, Louisiana Department of Economic Development, Valero
Energy Corporation, Lafayette Economic Development Authority, National Foreign
Trade Council, and USA*Engage.

The Summit, which had been originally scheduled for Cancun in December, was
changed due to the hurricane damage and now will be held at the Sheraton
Maria Isabel Hotel in Mexico City, February 2-4, 2006.

"With Spain, China, Canada, Norway, and India signing agreements to explore
in Cuban waters less than 100 miles from our shores in the Gulf, it is time
for U.S. firms to understand what is going on and what the future business
potential might be," said Kirby Jones, President of the U.S.-Cuba Trade
Association, "and this event offers U.S. executives the opportunity to do just that
face-to-face with their Cuban counterparts."

Cuba will send to the Summit in Mexico a high level delegation led by Fidel
Rivero Prieto, President of CubaPetroleo, and will include officials and
specialists from the Cuban Ministry of Basic Industries, Union Electrica, and
Ministries of Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment, and Foreign Relations.

"I am looking forward to meeting one-on-one with this distinguished group of
Cuban officials and specialists to discuss the real business potential for
Southwestern United States. Cuba with its recent discoveries offers our
business community another option for oil and gas exploration and discovery," said
Ruben Bonilla, Chairman of the Port Authority of Corpus Christi.

The Summit agenda will include presentations and Q & A sessions with all the
Cuban specialists; each company will have a private one-on-one meeting
arranged with Cuban counterparts; experts will discuss the current laws and
prospects for change; and presentations will be made by energy companies already
doing business in Cuba.

"Nobody wants to be left out and the potential of business in this new
market for Louisiana companies is significant. This meeting will allow companies
from our state to meet Cuban counterparts and get in on the ground floor,"
said Mike Olivier, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Economic
Sign Don't Trade with Cuba Petition:

Cuba debe ser representada por cubanos libres, no por marionetas comunistas.

Sociedad Jose Marti

POR LA CAUSA  CUBANA.- Por Amaury  Pi-González

Una dozena de miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos le escribieron al
Comisionado del Béisbol de Grandes Ligas Bud Selig, pidiendole apoyara la
idea propuesta por US(Rep. Lincoln Díaz-Balart) en la cual se le permitiría a
peloteros Cubanos profesionales formar el equipo que representaría a Cuba en el
Clásico Mundial del Béisbol 2006. Peloteros Cubanos que viven en Estados
Unidos y en otros países libres.
"Un equipo de jugadores libres, compitiendo en un torneo con equipos que
representan hombres libres, es la mejor manera de celebrar el deporte de América
en un escenario mundial"
Entre los que firmaron se encuentran; Republicanos, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen,
Mario Díaz-Balart,Tom Feeney y Connie Mack. Y los Demócratas Kendrick Meek,
Debbie Wasserman Schultz y Robert Wexler. Todos del Estado de la Florida.
Les urgo a todos los Cubanos que aman la Libertad que escriban apoyando esta
propuesta de Lincoln Díaz-Balart al Comisionado del Béisbol de Grandes Ligas
Mr. Bud Selig en New York.
El fax del Comisionado es: (212) 949-5650 pueden escribir en Inglés,
Español ó Japonés, la oficina del Comisionado habla esos idiomas que hoy son los
idiomas oficiales del Béisbol.
Amaury Pi-González
Narrador de Grandes Ligas

La Voz de Cuba Libre
¡ Que Viva Cuba Libre!

sábado, diciembre 24, 2005


In a message dated 12/23/2005 7:05:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
LavozdeCubaLibre writes:

Este espacio pagado, aparecio en media pagina del Nuevo Herald, con fecha 22
de Diciembre 2005.


Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, hacemos un llamado al Procurador General de
los Estados Unidos, Sr. Alberto Gonzalez y al Fiscal General del Distrito Sur
de la Florida, para que reconsideren la decision que precipito el
encausamiento de Santiago Alvarez y Osvaldo Mitat, en el condado Broward. No basamos
esta peticion en posibles nociones preconcebidas de que los residentes del
condado Broward sean incapaces de actuar con justicia e imparcialidad; nuestro
pedido se sustenta en el arraigado principio constitucional que determina que
los acusados deben ser juzgados ante una representacion de su comunidad
asentada en un jurado de sus semejantes.

La comunidad de Miami-Dade es el lugar donde ocurrieron la mayoria de los
hechos. Es donde las supuestas armas fueron confiscadas y donde los senores
Alvarez y Mitat residen y fueron arrestados. Condenamos y denunciamos con
firmeza este intento obvio de la Oficina del Fiscal de los Estados Unidos, de
manipular- para sacar pura ventaja tactica - la jurisdiccion de este juicio.
Consideramos que este obstinado intento de excluir a jurados cubano americanos, al
seleccionar una jurisdiccion de manera discriminatoria, constituye una
violacion de los derechos fundamentales de Santiago Alvarez y Osvaldo Mitat y un
insulto a la comunidad cubano americana de Miami-Dade.

Exhortamos al Procurador General de los Estados Unidos a que intervenga en
este caso para prevenir lo que es una injusticia manifiesta. Le recordamos al
Procurador General que en nuestra democracia siempre se ha contado con la
participacion de nuestra comunidad cubano americana, al igual que para luchar
en las guerras de nuestra nacion. Le recordamos tambien al Procurador General
que fue precisamente el Fiscal local de los Estados Unidos quien arguyo
vigorosamente, en el llamado "caso de los espias cubanos", que la gran comunidad
de Miami-Dade, y en particular su componente cubano americano, fueron capaces
de participar como jurados justos e imparciales en este controvertido caso

A la larga, esta decision del Fiscal de los Estados Unidos, R. Alexander
Acosta, de bloquear la participacion cubano americana mediante su
discriminatoria seleccion del condado Broward sobre Miami-Dade, prueba la validez de los
objetivos propagandisticos del regimen castrista. Esos objetivos siempre han
sido sembrar la division en la comunidad cubano americana y estigmatizarnos
como extremistas.

A nuestros servidores electos, los Senadores Federales Mel Martinez y Bob
Menendez, los Representantes Federales Lincoln Diaz Balart, Mario Diaz Balart e
Iliana Ross Lhetinen y nuestros alacaldes y concejales locales, les pedimos
que apoyen nuestra peticion de que se respeten los derechos constitucionales
de Santiago Alvarez y Osvaldo Mitat a ser juzgados por un jurado de sus
semejantes en el condado Miami-Dade. No les pedimos que su lealtad a la comunidad
cubano americana sobrepase su leatdad al cumplimiento de la ley, pues por lo
que estamos luchando es basico a nuestra forma de gobierno constitucional. Al
contrario, lo que estamos pidiendo es que pongan todo el peso de sus cargos
detras de nuestro esfuerzo para que este juicio se conduzca en el condado
Miami-Dade. Solo entonces nuestra comunidad respetara los veredictos que se
rindan en este penoso caso.

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, vemos a Santiago Alvarez y a Osvaldo Mitat
como patriotas estadounidenses y cubanos por igual. Su causa es nuestra causa:
la libertad de Cuba.

Jamas ninguna nacion en la historia, logro su libertad sin hombres y mujeres
como ellos. Cuba tiene derecho a ser libre e independiente.

Julio Gonzales Rebull Jose J.
Miguel M Alvarez Jorge A.
Rene A. Guerra Ernesto
Francisco (Pepe) Hernandez Dr. Alberto
Dr. Frank Martell,M.D. Feliciano
Mario Ferro
Lorenzo de Toro

`P.D. Copia de esta carta fue entregada personalmente por familiares de
Santiago Alvarez y Osvaldo Mitat en un almuerzo celebrado ayer en el Biltmore
Hotel, a los congresistas Federales Ileano Ross-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz Balart,
Mario Diaz Balart, al Senador Federal Mel Martinez y al Gobernador Jeb Bush+ .

viernes, diciembre 16, 2005

Sociedad Jose Marti

----- Original Message -----
From: ABIP
To: ; ; ; ;
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 11:13 AM
Subject: Commentary about UNESCO


You should be a shame to give Hugo Chavez of Venezuela - a puppet of the totalitarian fascist tyrant Fidel Castro - the Jose Marti International Award in Havana next January 28. It would be highly offensive, not only to the majority of the people in Venezuela who overwhelmingly abstained to vote in the recent elections clearly demonstrating their rejection of Hugo Chavez, but to the Cuban people. No wonder the U.N. and its institutions are rapidly losing respect and credibility.


Agustin Blazquez
Documentalist & writer
Maryland, USA

sábado, diciembre 10, 2005

Sociedad Jose Marti

------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 11:57:59 PM CST
From: ""
To: "NetforCubaNetwork"
Subject: CUBA: HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST - Campaign on behalf of Dr.Biscet

Protest Worsening Prison Conditions For Ill Cuban Activist

Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet is seriously ill and suffering from chronic gastritis and hypertension. The conditions in which he is serving his 25 year prison term - imposed after an unfair trial in 2003 for his non-violent advocacy of human rights - are deteriorating.

Prison officials recently informed his family members that they are punishing him for his peaceful protest of prison conditions and threatened that those conditions could get worse.

Dr. Biscet is one of 75 human rights activists and independent journalists sentenced in the spring of 2003 to prison terms of up to 28 years.

Throughout much of his time in prison, Dr. Biscet has been held in sub-standard punishment cells, often in solitary confinement or with violent criminals. For long periods of time, he has been deprived of any outside communication, visits or vital medications sent by his family.

He is currently being held in a windowless cell which lacks adequate water and from which he is infrequently taken outside.

Dr. Biscet's harsh prison conditions have further aggravated his poor health and at one point last year, he was reported to have lost more than 60 pounds. Cuban authorities should unconditionally release this peaceful human rights defender and all those imprisoned for the non-violent _expression of their beliefs.

To-date, the Cuban government has released 15 prisoners on medical parole. Your letters of concern do make a difference. CLICK ON TO:

New York Headquarters 333 Seventh Avenue 13th Floor New York, NY 10001-5004

100 Maryland Avenue, NE Suite 500 Washington DC 20002-5625


Collaboration: Coalition of Cuban-American Women/LAIDA CARRO.

Solo la opresión debe temer al pleno ejercicio de la libertad. Libertad es el derecho que todo hombre tiene a ser honrado, y a pensar y a hablar sin hipocresía. Un hombre que oculta lo que piensa, o no se atreve a decir lo que piensa, no es un hombre honrado. Un hombre que obedece a un mal gobierno, sin trabajar para que el gobierno sea bueno, no es un hombre honrado.

José Martí
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